Leveraging Rigorous Honesty and Prosocial Shame in Addiction Recovery w/ Anna Lembke

Join Tara in this fascinating episode as she talks with Anna Lembke, author of Dopamine Nation.  Learn how addiction works in the brain and how to keep the balance between pleasure and pain on an even keel.  Anna discusses how rigorous honesty helps heal relationships and strengthens the brain. People who practice “strict” sobriety tend to  have…

Developing a Willing Heart in Recovery as a Betrayed Partner w/ Jill Manning

Host Tara McCausland speaks with betrayal trauma expert, Dr. Jill Manning,  about how a betrayed partner can apply the  recovery puzzle pieces of a willing heart, honesty,  humility, accountability, commitment, and seeking spiritual connection to facilitate healing.  As a betrayed spouse, it is easy to feel like a victim of our addicted partner’s behavior and…

The Heart & Mind Recovery Puzzle Pieces w/ Eddie Capparucci

In this episode, host Tara McCausland reviews the S.A. Lifeline heart and mind Recovery Puzzle pieces (e.g. willing heart, humble, accountable, committed, honesty, seeking spiritual connection) with guest expert, Dr. Eddie Capparucci. They compare them with the transformational elements in Eddie’s latest book Why Men Struggle to Love: Overcoming Relational Blindspots and discuss how these critical elements not…