Understanding Betrayal Trauma and the Road to Recovery w/ Barbara Steffens

HostTara McCausland and guest expert Dr. Barbara Steffens define what betrayal trauma is, what it looks like and how to approach healing and recovery. Barbara shares advice for betrayed partners, therapists and faith leaders. The importance of having a community for healing is discussed.Dr. Barbara Steffens specializes in helping women recover from sexual, relational betrayal…

The Double Life and Redemption of a Sexual Addict w/ Steven Croshaw

Justin B. speaks with Steven Croshaw, co-founder of S.A. Lifeline Foundation, about his experiences with sexual addiction and recovery.  Steven shares about the depths of living a double life in sexual addiction.  He also shares his perspective on the trauma his behavior caused his wife and others.  We explore the progression of sexual addiction.  We…

Slow Down—A Concert by Sissel

Several weeks ago at our S.A.Lifeline Staff meeting, Rhyll Croshaw gave the spiritual thought. Her thought? Slow Down. She actually referenced a concert given by Sissel in late summer 2019, a song of the same name. It had made quite an impact on her and she wanted to share it with our SAL community. When…