How Do I Get Unstuck?

I have been stuck.  I have been struggling about what to write for this post, wanting so much to do it “right”. I have been wanting to come up with a catchy title so people will read it and find hope, and wanting so much to post something that will reach people. I have been…

Who Am I Not to Shine?

Welcome back to the SA Lifeline women’s discussion group! As a foundation, we are so excited to get this discussion board up and running again. I don’t know about you, but I have missed receiving those blog posts in my email inbox. When I opened up a message it was a moment to stop, slow…

Slow Down—A Concert by Sissel

Several weeks ago at our S.A.Lifeline Staff meeting, Rhyll Croshaw gave the spiritual thought. Her thought? Slow Down. She actually referenced a concert given by Sissel in late summer 2019, a song of the same name. It had made quite an impact on her and she wanted to share it with our SAL community. When…