Manifestations of Healing

Thank you to Alicia for sharing her strength, hope, and experience in this post about her journey to healing. Each time I pass the anniversary of my rock bottom, I can’t believe another year has passed. It’s been eight years now -eight years of learning a new way of living and even a new vocabulary:…

SAL parent panel 2018

Using the Updated Understanding Pornography Manual: Tools for Parents to “Connect”

You may be aware that SA Lifeline Foundation recently published the updated Understanding Pornography & Betrayal Trauma Manual.  This publication is one of SA Lifeline’s proudest accomplishments. The manual includes clear guidance from top experts in the field, and straight-forward explanations that bring clarity to complicated issues.  It is also unique in that it offers…

New Year, New Start

Happy New Year! Last week I missed sending out a blog post…I was still caught up in the aftermath of the holiday chaos, celebrations and feasting in my own home, and then whisking off with my husband and 5 kids to Wisconsin for Christmas with my family. I don’t know about you, but returning home…

Finding the Light this Christmas

This Christmas season, I have been reflecting on Light. Light is the best part of holiday decorating, in my opinion.  Every morning the first thing I do is pad around in my bare feet plugging in extension cords, and all day long I keep my houselights off and let the warm glow of twinkle lights…

Using the Understanding Pornography Manual: Understanding the Basics

You may be aware that SA Lifeline Foundation recently published the updated Understanding Pornography & Betrayal Trauma Manual.  This publication is one of SA Lifeline’s proudest accomplishments. The manual includes clear guidance from top experts in the field, and straight-forward explanations that bring clarity to complicated issues.  It is also unique in that it offers…