The Myth of Self-Reliance

If you haven’t noticed yet, one of the main themes in 12-Step literature is self-reliance. Becoming aware of our overly self-reliant behaviors and attitudes can feel like flipping our current worldview on its head.  Isn’t self-reliance a good thing?  Isn’t it what we have worked our whole life for? Rock bottom opened my eyes to…

Happy Easter: Celebrating Step 7

Spring is my favorite season.  Everywhere I look, there is new life springing up around me.  Buds on the trees, tulip leaves pushing through dirt, geese soaring northward over my head in perfectly v-shaped droves.  As my recovery friend put it in the weekly email to our recovery group: “Everything that is dormant or dead…

Gratitude in Difficulties

Thank you to Alicia for sharing her strength, hope, and experience in this beautiful post.  Four years ago, I spent an entire July in what felt like total upheaval. I’d had my gall bladder out, my son broke his arm, my husband and I separated, and I ended the month with an ER visit over…

UCAP 2018: New Perspectives on Trauma

Did you know that this Saturday is the annual UCAP Conference?  The Utah Coalition Against Pornography hosts the largest event of its kind in the nation.  Whether or not you are excited to spend your day listening to specialists speaking about the effects of pornography may be debatable.  Whether or not you will leave this…

Using the Updated Understanding Pornography Manual: Recovery and Healing

Many of you are aware that SA Lifeline Foundation recently published the Updated Understanding Pornography & Betrayal Trauma Manual.  This publication is one of SA Lifeline’s proudest accomplishments. The manual includes clear guidance from top experts in the field, and straight-forward explanations that bring clarity to complicated issues.  It is also unique in that it…