Self-identifying as a sex addict

Self-Identifying as a Sexual Addict. Shaming or Empowering?

By Steven Croshaw, PresidentSA Lifeline Foundation: Recovering Individuals, Healing Families I tried to stop using pornography and sex with self hundreds of times, only to return to these unwanted behaviors again and again. For decades, feeling toxic shame and incredible fear I chose to hide my sexual acting-out behavior. I really wanted to stop and…

Why Should I Be A Sponsor?

Special thanks to one of the fellows in our Texas in-person meeting for sharing his thoughts on Sponsorship. If you’d like to contribute to the men’s discussion with your strength, hope, and experience, email us today. “I want to give away what I’ve got.  I have to give away what I’ve got.” “It’s the truth about myself-the imperfect truth–that attracts others; not all the preaching in the world.” From the White Book Why Be A Sponsor? The best way for me…