A Message for these times from Steven and Rhyll

The Coronavirus quarantine has been a world-wide challenge. We are all facing increased uncertainty, boredom, and stress. We may be navigating more screen time, and are likely experiencing more frequent inter-personal conflicts as we spend more time than usual in small spaces with our families. The obstacles inherent to our current circumstances can be a…


When God is Tired of Speaking Sweetly

Hafiz is one of my all-time favorite humans. As the blanket of fear and crisis has settled over the globe, I have been thinking of this Hafiz poem. As you read, know that Hafiz uses the terms Love, the Beloved, and God to refer to the Higher Power of His Understanding. That’s one of the…


Wisdom from the Serenity Prayer in Uncertain Times

Even before coming to SAL 12-Step, I have always loved the serenity prayer. My father was raised Catholic and quoted it often. God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And the wisdom to know the difference. In early recovery, these words were a…


Slow Down—A Concert by Sissel

Several weeks ago at our S.A.Lifeline Staff meeting, Rhyll Croshaw gave the spiritual thought. Her thought? Slow Down. She actually referenced a concert given by Sissel in late summer 2019, a song of the same name. It had made quite an impact on her and she wanted to share it with our SAL community. When…


New Year, New Ways to Step Up Your Recovery

Welcome to the New Year!! I hope you are feeling optimistic. Good things are ahead, both for you and for recovery work. God is in charge, and everything He touches will thrive (eventually). You have every reason to expect the Universe to show up for you as you continue to commit your life to recovery…


Making December a Time of Reflection and Retreat

When my husband showed me the email from Zen Habits in his inbox titled, “The Practice of Using December for Retreat, Reflection, & Letting Go”…I was like I LOVE THIS IDEA!!! SEND IT TO ME!! What struck me most about this article was how it spoke to the exact opposite of the way most of…


To My Friends and Family, What I Wish You Knew…

This blog post was submitted from a friend working SAL recovery. Thanks to her for putting her heart into this post and being a voice for so many women. Please offer your comments and gratitude for her share as well. Dear friends, family, parents, church leaders, children, siblings, co-workers, neighbors, acquaintances and anyone else in…


Step 1, Surrender, and Falling Leaves

Yesterday in my SAL 12-Step meeting we studied Step 1. We discussed the pain and fear that we had each experienced as we reached the point of unmanageability in our lives. We talked about the loss we felt when we seemed to lose everything we had built our lives on. This discussion felt particularly poignant…
