SAL Info You May Be Interested In

Some of you may have heard – this week SAL meetings will officially begin using a new script. Thanks to those who contributed to the feedback of the updated script and shared their experiences. While the changes are minor, sometimes any change can be difficult for addicts. As this minor change is taking place, I thought…


What is Surrender?

When I first came to SAL groups, I had been attending a different recovery group for a year.  While I had never heard the term of surrender before, it was skittered throughout many of the comments of SAL women each week in their shares.  Embarrassed that I was unfamiliar with something that seemed so fundamental,…


5 Additional Things to Consider When Looking for a Sponsor

A few weeks ago I talked about five things to consider when looking for a sponsor. What’d you think? How do these concepts apply to your quest for a sponsor? For me, there are three initial questions I would ask a potential sponsee when he’s looking for a sponsor: 1. Have you been in meetings long enough…


Is this program for those who have chosen divorce?

Today, we’d like to address a question we received at the Q&A session at the last SAL Conference. A friend in recovery asks: “Is this program for those of us who have chosen divorce?  I at times feel like I ‘failed’ as the spouse of an addict.” This is a great question, and a vulnerable…


New Year’s Resolutions… Recovery Style

Happy New Year to our Recovery Community! Today’s post is going to be about how recovery is changing my whole approach to New Year’s Resolutions. The old me loved New Year’s Resolutions.  I would review the past year, start planning my next picture album, tabulate all the final numbers on our annual budget, and then…


5 Things to Consider When Looking for a Sponsor

We’ve received the question a number of times about how to find a sponsor and wanted to address it more formally in the men’s discussion today. This is a specific question we got recently in one of the comments about effective sponsorship: How does one go about finding sponsorship that works when the groups I have…


Frosting will Fix It

This discussion topic about the power of Grace is from one of our friends in recovery, Alicia.  Thanks to Alicia for contributing to the women’s group discussion and for the time she put into collecting her thoughts about recovery.  If you’re interested in sharing a discussion topic, please reach out to me here. Have you ever…


How Do You Know if You’re a Sex Addict?

The title is a good question, and one that more and more men should probably ask themself if we really want to move into recovery and healing from sexual addiction. Are you wondering if your “little problem” with looking at pornography, masturbating, browsing the internet to “stumble upon” something inappropriate, scanning Facebook for hours and…


12 Triggers of Christmas

The 12 Triggers of Christmas With the stress of the holidays in full swing, we thought it would be appropriate to post a light-hearted spoof on the 12 Days of Christmas. Here are some of the triggers you may experience and the “recovery way” to approach them. Here goes.  Hopefully you can relate. Or, actually,…
