Overflowing Toilets

So yesterday evening, my daughter came running out frantically from her bedroom, “Mom!  The toilet is flooding the bathroom!” I sighed and dropped the dishes I was doing and walked down the hall to check it out.  To my surprise, there was literally an inch of water covering the floor of the kids’ bathroom, running…


Why Don’t I Work the Steps?

This question has been on my mind a lot lately – “Why don’t I work the Steps?” Is working the Steps really that difficult? Does it take too much of my “precious” time? If my life were dependent on whether or not I worked the Steps of Recovery, would I work them? It’s easy to…


Can Dailies Transform Your Life?

People who are well-versed in addiction recovery are familiar with the term “dailies.”  For an addict, dailies include small actions they commit to on a daily basis to keep them on track for recovery and sobriety.  These dailies might include Step Study, reaching out to a sponsor, or journaling. As the partner of an addict, I…


The Power of Surrender One Temptation at a Time

What does the “power of surrender” mean? Why is surrender an essential part of the addiction recovery process? Or is it? Most of us have heard of the concept of surrender as we’re going to meetings and trying to work the steps of recovery from addiction. But have you ever had this question: “What does surrender really mean?” Or…


Keeping the Focus on Ourselves

Recovery is all about developing new attitudes.  I didn’t come to recovery until I had reached a point where I was forced to admit that my old attitudes weren’t working.  Although this was extremely painful, it ended up being my first blessing of the program. Keeping the focus on myself. This was a new concept;…


Chronicles of Anger

Thanks to Alicia for this beautiful guest post about her experience with anger in recovery. Chronicles of Anger “Let’s talk about anger,” my therapist said. “Oh,” I shrugged, “I don’t really have any.  I’m not really an angry person.” “Really?  You don’t have anger?” “Not really… what I’m really worried about is…”   And on…


Self-care or Selfishness?

Self-care. Like almost every principle of recovery, this concept was something that I just didn’t get before hitting my rock bottom. I am ashamed to say that in my former life I would sometimes feel critical or even superior to other women when I would see them taking time out for themselves. Instead of seeing…


Is Recovery Even Possible Without Sobriety?

Recovery vs. Sobriety The question proposed is one I’ve thought about quite a bit; what I’m going to share is based on my own experience. To share my feelings about the question, I’ll start with a few questions: Why does the White Book say, “Without sobriety we have nothing to offer anyone.” (p. 185) What does…


How to Help a Sponsee Who’s Struggling

Today’s men’s discussion is based on a question received from a sponsor regarding his sponsee. He wondered, “How do I help a sponsee who’s struggling?” If you have questions that you’d like to discuss, please submit them here. Thanks for all your interaction in the men’s SAL group discussion. How to Help a Sponsee Who’s…


Video: What Does God-Centered Love Look Like?

SA Lifeline sees recovery as an ongoing process of living with God at our center, “One Day At A Time.” But what does God-centered love look like? For those of us who have lived with a loved one in addiction, we have often fallen into a model of dysfunction, putting our addict at our center. When this…
