Have You Seen The Heart of the Matter documentary?

Some of you may know that SA Lifeline helped to produce a breakthrough documentary film bringing light to the darkness surrounding pornography and sexual addiction.  The film is entitled The Heart of the Matter. The Heart of the Matter is the first documentary to give viewers an honest, complete portrait of what it means to…


A Valentine’s Message from Rhyll

Happy Valentine’s Day! As this holiday can be triggering and downright traumatic for women dealing with betrayal, we are grateful for Rhyll Croshaw’s perspective on our blog post today.  Rhyll is the author of What Can I Do About Me? and the co-founder of SA Lifeline Foundation. Thanks, Rhyll, for sharing your strength, hope, and…


Manifestations of Healing

Thank you to Alicia for sharing her strength, hope, and experience in this post about her journey to healing. Each time I pass the anniversary of my rock bottom, I can’t believe another year has passed. It’s been eight years now -eight years of learning a new way of living and even a new vocabulary:…


The Greatest Showman and Addiction Recovery

So I am not a big movie person.  After Trauma blindsided me, most movies, songs, and media experiences felt like a Trigger Time-bomb waiting to happen. But every now and then, a movie comes along that is worth my time and my ten dollar bill. The Greatest Showman was this for me. Although seeing this…


New Year, New Start

Happy New Year! Last week I missed sending out a blog post…I was still caught up in the aftermath of the holiday chaos, celebrations and feasting in my own home, and then whisking off with my husband and 5 kids to Wisconsin for Christmas with my family. I don’t know about you, but returning home…


Is Relapse a Part of Recovery?

I’ve heard this quite a bit in other groups: “Relapse is part of recovery…” Or… “If I pop a tire, I’m not going to go back to where I started, I’m going to fix the tire and move on.” My initial questions are these: Where do these ideas come from? Who said these things? Was…


Finding the Light this Christmas

This Christmas season, I have been reflecting on Light. Light is the best part of holiday decorating, in my opinion.  Every morning the first thing I do is pad around in my bare feet plugging in extension cords, and all day long I keep my houselights off and let the warm glow of twinkle lights…
