Gifts of Working the 12 Steps

When you first came to 12 Step, what were you hoping to get out of the program? A sober husband? Vindication? A quick fix? Validation that you were a victim? A magic tool-kit to eradicate addiction from your loved one? When I first came to Twelve Step, I think all I wanted was to find…


Q&A with Rhyll Croshaw: Will I ever feel safe with him again?

Have you found us on Instagram yet?  A few weeks ago, we took to our Instagram community to collect questions for our co-founder, Rhyll Croshaw, to respond to.  Thanks to Rhyll for being willing to share her strength, hope, and experience with all of us. Here is the first Q&A from our Insta community! Q: What…


12 Signs My Life is Unmanageable (Even If I’m Sober)

Step 1 states: “We admitted we were powerless over lust – that our lives had become unmanageable.” Am I powerless over lust? What does “unmanageable” actually mean? How do I know if my life has become, or is, unmanageable? What if I’m sober – does that powerlessness still exist and is my life still unmanageable,…


What is Betrayal Trauma? (Video Included)

This week’s blog post may seem basic enough; after all, SA Lifeline is a community of women seeking recovery from Betrayal Trauma.   Unfortunately, however, it often takes people who are suffering much longer than they would have liked to find us.  This was certainly the case for me. Let’s just say when I was stuck…


Have you seen this Article from National Geographic?

I am always grateful to see the main-stream media highlighting the problem of addiction, especially from what is generally considered a “credible” news source. We’d like to pass on this article from the September 2017 issue of National Geographic, titled How Science is Unlocking the Secrets of Addiction. While this article takes a decidedly scientific approach…


Step Six: Are You Entirely Ready to Let Go of Fear?

In my group meeting the other day, someone shared this beautiful writing she did as part of her Step Six.  As Fear is such a universal part of healing from Betrayal Trauma, I thought her words were a gift that would speak to all of our hearts. Thank you to this “SAL fellow” for being…


Why All the Negative Connections in Addiction?

Brené Brown defines connection as “the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgment; and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship.” Does anything like that exist in the life of a sexaholic? This post won’t be long, it may not…


Q&A with Rhyll Croshaw: What Does Detaching With Love Look Like?

Once a month on our blog, we will be featuring Q&A’s with Rhyll Croshaw. This content was originally found on our sister site,, but will now be a part of our Women’s Discussion here. Thanks to Rhyll for her insights and willingness to share her strength, hope, and experience with all of us.  Please…


Understanding the Drama Triangle-Watch this Video

One of the big mind-blowing paradigm shifts for me when I entered recovery was learning about the Drama Triangle. This was totally new information for me, and it opened my eyes to seeing a whole different perspective on my own behavior in many relationships. You will find the Drama Triangle in the Recovery Models illustrating…


A Wife’s Perspective on the Addict Label – Part 1

Last week we discussed a frequently asked question in addiction recovery groups: Am I an addict for the rest of my life? It was an interesting discussion and one that caused me to think a lot about my own recovery and what I’m doing (or need to do) in order to be “in recovery” as…
