Why Progressive Victory Over Lust is Essential to True Recovery

“What is progressive victory over lust?” “Why do I need this for true recovery from sexual addiction?” “‘Progressive victory over lust…’ – is that even possible?” These are questions that came to my mind when I first heard the phrase “progressive victory over lust.” How would you answer these questions today? Do you believe the statement…


Knowledge vs. Wisdom

A few weeks ago, I heard a speech about the difference between knowledge and wisdom – something I’ve never thought about before. That speech, in conjunction with a forest analogy my wife heard on YouTube by Eckhart Tolle, made me think about a trip I took to the Redwoods in Northern California a few months earlier.…


What does One Day At A Time mean?

One of the most common 12-Step slogans is “One Day At A Time.” This has become one of my most oft-quoted mantras in recovery.  But what does it really mean?  What about this slogan can help me gain perspective and hope in recovery? Living in the present moment has become a huge paradigm-shift and a…


Why Can an Addict Help an Addict Recover Best?

Why do you think that it takes an addict to help an addict? Or do you? Can a parent help a son who struggles with pornography addiction? Can an ecclesiastical leader share with the addict a “plan of attack” that will get them clean and sober? What about the spouse of an addict – can…


This is HOW the program works

As I was studying in Working the S-Anon Program this week, I came across some great material about the HOW of the program. HOW is an acronym that stands for: HONESTY OPEN-MINDEDNESS WILLINGNESS These 3 attitudes are the essentials of recovery.  But what do they really mean?  Here are some insights from Working the S-Anon…


Valentine’s Day-A Message from Rhyll

 Valentine’s Day can be a very difficult day for those of us who have experienced the lies, deceit and betrayal of living with or having lived with a pornography or sexual addict. All the red hearts and the mushy sentiments can send us into feelings of sadness, fear, inadequacy or even anger. But there is…


SAL Info You May Be Interested In

Some of you may have heard – this week SAL meetings will officially begin using a new script. Thanks to those who contributed to the feedback of the updated script and shared their experiences. While the changes are minor, sometimes any change can be difficult for addicts. As this minor change is taking place, I thought…


What is Surrender?

When I first came to SAL groups, I had been attending a different recovery group for a year.  While I had never heard the term of surrender before, it was skittered throughout many of the comments of SAL women each week in their shares.  Embarrassed that I was unfamiliar with something that seemed so fundamental,…


5 Additional Things to Consider When Looking for a Sponsor

A few weeks ago I talked about five things to consider when looking for a sponsor. What’d you think? How do these concepts apply to your quest for a sponsor? For me, there are three initial questions I would ask a potential sponsee when he’s looking for a sponsor: 1. Have you been in meetings long enough…
