The Scarlet Pimpernel and Recovery

This thoughtful post was sent to us by an SAL member who wishes to remain anonymous. We are so grateful for her willingness to share her strength, hope and experience. Rocks…. Drama… What do rocks and the theater have to do with recovery? Or even with one another? One thing that I have learned from…


Worms of Recovery

Thanks to SAL member Shiree for this beautiful blog post, and for her willingness to share her strength, hope, and experience with us all. A Sunday School teacher explained to the little children how we can keep our bodies clean. He told them about an experiment with worms: four jars were filled with 1) drugs,…


Rethinking Love this Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is fast approaching, the dreaded holiday of paper hearts and shattered illusions for women who have experienced betrayal trauma.  At this time of year, we are always mindful of the complicated emotions that this date can bring for the women in our community. I have been thinking a lot about love lately.  I…


“It Works When I Work It”–S.A. Lifeline Women’s Retreat

We are excited to announce the 2nd annual S.A. Lifeline Women’s Retreat on May 2-4th. Last year’s event was a great success and the 18 women who were able to attend had impactful recovery experiences. If you have been feeling that your recovery could use a boost… if you are feeling stuck in your relationship…


Why Reach Out to Others [6+ Reasons]

Special thanks to one of the fellows in one of our Utah in-person meetings for sharing his thoughts on reaching out to others. If you’d like to contribute to the men’s discussion with your strength, hope, and experience, email us today. One of the first things people wonder about when first attending an SAL 12-Step group…


5 Ways to Start Your New Year Right, Recovery-Style

Happy New Year! If you are anything like me, a fresh new start may feel slow in coming. Since we toasted and clinked midnight goblets, it has felt like a jolt back into reality…piles of Christmas presents still stationed in overlooked corners, holiday decor that now seems chinsy instead of magical, clutter to clean out,…


Recovery: My Greatest Christmas Gift

Our blog post today comes from a very special friend in recovery: Alicia.  You may remember several of her memorable posts–she was a regular contributor before she received a diagnosis of Stage IV Breast Cancer earlier this year.  This beautiful message from this beautiful person has impacted my entire holiday season, and I hope it…


Accepting Life As it Is this Christmas

I have been spending too much time eyeing Christmas trees. Driving past my neighbor’s homes, envying the full, lush, tall greenery I see through their window, with color-coordinated trimmings glistening in the 1000+ Candlelight Clear LED lights.  They look so, so….perfect. We have been buying real Christmas trees every year since we were married 17…


Why Should I Be A Sponsor?

Special thanks to one of the fellows in our Texas in-person meeting for sharing his thoughts on Sponsorship. If you’d like to contribute to the men’s discussion with your strength, hope, and experience, email us today. “I want to give away what I’ve got.  I have to give away what I’ve got.” “It’s the truth about myself-the imperfect truth–that attracts others; not all the preaching in the world.” From the White Book Why Be A Sponsor? The best way for me…
